In last 26 years of Post Qualification experience Ritesh has got exposure in Corporate Finance arena.
In Due-Diligence, Valuation, Resource Raising - Debt Syndication, Ritesh has played acrucial role in
various transaction across sectors.
Ritesh has played critical role as Partner of Big-6 Firm from 2008 to 2016. He headed the Corporate
Finance Division - Gujarat and was instrumental in various Corporate FinanceAssignments for
Valuations, Due-Diligence, Mergers and Acquisitions, Turn-around Consultancyalong with other Corporate
Consultancy Projects.
After 2016 Ritesh has started his Individual practice and then qualified as Resolution Professional
registered with IBBI Vide Registration No. IBBI/IPA-001/IP-P01334/2018-19/12013. Ritesh is also a
Registered Valuer with IBBI for "Securities and Financial Assets" Vide IBBI/RV/06/2019/11306.Ritesh
has also qualified for the Register of Independent Directors and a Certified Fraud and Forensic
Auditor - ICAI.
Ritesh has undertaken Valuation exercises for the whole spectrum from Startup Valuation to the
Enterprise Valuation of Large Scale Listed entities.
Under IBC Domain, Ritesh has provided consultancies across level. Apart from being Resolution
professional and Liquidator, he has advised the Resolution Applicants for successfully take overthe
Company, represented COC members in COC Meetings and has presented papers on IBC invarious Study
Circles - ICAI.
As a Resolution Professional Ritesh has advised various clients and has been appointed by NCLT
Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Kolkata and Mumbai. Details of all the Cases is as per attached Annexure.